MTP in the Community
We are honored to be asked to host tours of our mill and post yard facilities.

On a tour with Front Range Community College students.

On a tour with C.S.U.'s NR420 class.

On a tour with C.S.U.'s Wood Products class.

Larimer County Tree Farmers

Sawing their logs into timbers for the Larimer County Tree Farmers
We helped the Tree Farmers grind branches from mountain pine beetle-killed trees that were collected at their Rist Canyon site.

Helping the Tree Farmers is a family affair.
Helping the Tree Farmers

The Retractors
We helped the Retractors, a Lego robotics group, learn more about forwarders (with help from Dave Hattis, USFS).

Helping the Retractors
Northern Colorado Back Country Horsemen
We assisted the NCBCH improve camping and riding conditions for all of us.

4-H Fair
We provide the 4-H kids with bedding for their 'critters' at Larimer County Fair.

Bedding the 'critters'
More 4-H
We provide the wood and split it, but the kids and their families load, haul and deliver to their customers for their annual club fundraiser.

Lots of help with the 'work'
...and then we eat!